Volunteer Parents Make Kamp Kimchee Happen

One of the things that truly makes Kamp Kimchee unique is that it is parent/volunteer run! We encourage parents to get involved in making our Kamp fun for the whole family. There are so many great ways to get involved included but not limited to:
OFFICER POSITIONS: President (2 years), President-Elect (2 years), Past President, Treasurer (2 years), Secretary (2 years)
CLASSES OFFERED Art, Culture, Dance, Drums, Music, Offsite Activities, Peer Programming, Recreation/Recess, Self-Esteem, Taekwondo.
ART COORDINATOR: Generate ideas and plan for the week’s art projects. Ensure art supplies are available.
ART AIDES: The art aides assist the Art Coordinator with setup and daily activities and help supervise kampers in the art room.
CAFETERIA/SNACK COORDINATOR: Ensure a snack and beverage is available for every class pre-K to 7.
CAFETERIA/SNACK AIDE(S): Assist Cafeteria Coordinator with serving snacks.
CLASSROOM COORDINATORS: Assigned to a specific classroom for the week, to assist mentors with daily activities and keep the kampers on schedule, as well as facilitate their movement from class to class. This position offers a morning shift (9a.m.-12p.m.) or an afternoon shift (12p.m. -3:00p.m.).
DINING ROOM WORKER(S): Cleans up dining room/cafeteria before and after lunch.
FRONT DESK STAFF: Attend the front desk at all times. Manage morning check-in process, available for questions, errands that may arise or various diverse assignments.
OFFSITE ACTIVITY COORDINATOR: Select and plan offsite activities for Kampers, 8th-12th grade.
OFFSITE ACTIVITY DRIVERS: Drive to and from offsite activities. Assist the Offsite Activity Coordinator with activity supervision and other functions.
KITCHEN COORDINATOR: Assist Kamp Chef with food orders, kitchen organization and coordination of kitchen staff.
KITCHEN STAFF: Assist the Kamp Chef & Kitchen Coordinator(s) with food preparation on Monday – Friday mornings, which includes preparation, cooking/grilling, and clean-up.
CUSTODIAN(S): Assists the school custodians in keeping the facility clean during the week.
MEDICAL STAFF: Assists with medical needs as they arise and hand out first aid supplies. Help with front desk duties.
MENTOR COORDINATOR: Recruit and train mentors, manage mentor applications and selection process, serve as liaison between mentors and Kamper families.
NEW FAMILY COORDINATOR: Reach out to new families prior to Kamp week to welcome them with information and answers to any questions they may have. Be the “go to” person for new families during Kamp week.
NURSERY WORKERS: Supervise babies and toddlers in our nursery while parents are working at Kamp.
PARENT PROGRAMMING COORDINATOR: Plan, prepare and lead parent programming educational sessions. Secure a panel of presenters for these sessions.
PARENT PROGRAMMING ASSISTANT: Work along with the current Parent Programming Coordinator (see above) and prepare to assume the coordinator’s position upon vacancy.
PLAYGROUND/RECREATION STAFF: Supervise kampers in activities during scheduled and open recreation periods. Plan some activities for kampers during those periods.
PEER PROGRAMMING COORDINATOR(S): Generate ideas and secure supplies for the Peer Programming Class.
PHOTOGRAPHER: Take professional quality photos and videos of various Kamp activities from Sunday afternoon setup to Friday afternoon takedown.
REGISTRAR (2 years): Manage Kamp registration process. Work closely with the Treasurer to ensure Kamp fees are paid accurately and all registration is completed timely and error-free.
STORE COORDINATOR: Order store supplies prior to Kamp, making sure a sufficient quantity of desirable items is available for sale during Kamp week.
STORE SNACK COORDINATOR: Order store snacks and perishable items prior to Kamp, making sure a sufficient quantity of desirable items is available for sale during Kamp week.
STORE WORKERS: Assists with set-up, running and take-down of Kamp store.
T-SHIRT COORDINATOR: Manage the Kamp T-shirt ordering process from selecting a design to recruiting, placing, and distribution of orders.

2024 Staff Roles:
Kamp Operations: Angela Herzog, Katie Dachtler, and Sunny Kase
Contracted Classroom Staff - Angela Herzog
TKD - Brandon Stien and Noah Fuller
Dance - Brooke Newmaster
Peer Pals - Wynter Hopson
Store - Amy Fossum and Amy Leman
Nametags - Serena Christensen
Class Schedule - Serena Christensen
Parent Programs - Amanda Langemo
Shirts - Deb Gold
Site and Hotel contracts/reservations - Angela Herzog
Art - Joshua Otterstad and Gretchen Funk
Drums - Laura Sharp and David Miller
Kitchen - Dan Schnobrich and Tanner Weyer
Mentors - Rachel Carlson and Andrew Otterstad
Off-site Activities: Lisa Kroskin
Volunteer Positions: Katie Dachtler
Recreation - Molly Jaeger, Kate Klimlek and Ian Fuller
Youth culture - Serena Christensen and Bomi Newman
Store Snacks - Vanessa Drontle
Self-Esteem - Sunny Kase
New Family Communications - Margaret Harstad
Registration: Melany Wynn, Amy Haggenmiller and Nicole Strydom